"Where is it?  What is it called?" Trent asked.
    "Minn Beach. It's a shore on the island of Balu in the Center Sea on the planet of Leemia.  I have been there many times.  It's the best place in the universe.  I'll make reservations," Cree said.
    "How many separate conversations can you at the same time?" Rye asked.
    "I am not sure.  It takes a while for my thoughts to catch up from one location to another.  Without acceleration assistance, I can only travel at the speed of light.  By the way, how can some organics produce fire from their months?" Trent asked.
    "What?" Rye asked.
    "On channel 445 there is an organic with three heads producing fire from it's mouth," Trent said.
    Trent, that's a movie.  You're watching a movie.  It's not real.  It's make believe.  Just a fantasy," Cree said.
    There was a long pause from Trent.
    "It seems as real as you are," said Trent.
    "Trent perceives everything electronically.  With everything looking the same the only way to tell the difference is through practical experience," said Rye.
    "Trent!  When you can interact with what you perceive, it's real.  After a while you will be able to tell the differences more easily.  Some of the entertainment transmissions out there are really good at make believe, and with the state-of-the-art technologies it can be quite difficult to distinguish real from imaginary," said Rye.
    "I'll make a bank of imaginary creatures, and special effects," Cree said.
    "Could you locate channel 29 a 2, and explain what is being presented?" asked Trent.
    "This is a documentary reenacting a battle during a war that actually happened.  Some of the beings in this film are actors who are only pretending to be hurt, and others are computer generated.  The explosions being shown are electronically produced, and no one actually gets hurt," Cree said.
    "When you say actually happened, do you mean there where beings who actually committed those acts upon each other?  There really where beings doing those things to each other?" asked Trent.
    "Yes, indeed.  Beings of every civilization known disagree, fight, and kill each other until they reach level three on the evolutionary scale.  Unfortunately, most civilizations die off before they reach that level.   In fact, the Reed went through the same evolutionary process.  We had wars with each other and the civilizations on several other planets," said Cree.
    "I understand.  How about channel 88 d 21?" asked Trent.
    "This is a company selling cosmetics.  This is also making believe.  Let's try channel 11 11 11.  This channel is dedicated to the sciences.  This program is how plants survive through photosynthesis.  The next few hundred channels are also dedicated to the sciences.  Here's one you'll find pertinent.  It's about gravitrium.  And this one is about extinct organisms from all over the explored planets.  Ah, this is one l like.  Its about why organisms evolve on similar paths regardless of what planet or environmental conditions.  If the nutriment is there, the temperature is reasonably warm, and there is enough time allowed, life forms will evolve into similar sizes, shapes, colors, intellectual levels, social and political structures," said Cree.
    "If all organisms evolve along the same lines, why is there so much conflict between them?" Trent asked.
    "That's a question with very complicated answers," said Cree.
    "I understand the relationship between predator and prey.  It's the conflicts between the life forms like the Ree that is confusing," stated Trent.
    "It's pretty much the same.  One wants or needs what the other one has.  It could be land, food, technology, natural resources, or even to make another think the way they want them to.  Sometimes conflict happens out of fear of what another might or will do.  Sometimes conflict occurs from misunderstandings.  The most common reason for conflict is some wacko winding up in charge of a civilization.  After while democratic societies mature and the conflicts stop.  The democratic societies won't attack others and they are too powerful to be attacked," Cree said.
    "You can be thankful for the lack of emotion.  Beings like us get angry and lash out, sometimes for no reason other than a reaction to the buildup of tension.  Personal interactions are sometimes good and sometimes bad.  Organics are in constant conflict with their own physical and mental needs.  Without that conflict, the organism won't survive," said Hiret.